How to Pray Istikhara and Why It Is Important?
How to Pray Istikhara? Istikhara is an Islamic prayer that seeks guidance from Allah. It allows Muslims to seek Allah’s help when faced with an important decision. Performing istikhara demonstrates one’s faith in Allah’s knowledge and wisdom.

The Qur’an instructs believers to seek Allah’s counsel when making decisions. Istikhara helps Muslims make the best choice for their worldly life and afterlife. Through istikhara, Allah guides the believer towards the path that will benefit them most in this life and the next.
Why Perform Istikhara?
- Seeks Allah’s guidance when confused or unsure about a decision
- Ensures the decision aligns with Allah’s will
- Removes doubt about the right course of action
- Provides clarity and conviction
- Brings contentment with the final decision
Praying istikhara allows one to make decisions with tranquility and satisfaction, knowing the matter has been placed in Allah’s hands.
How to Perform the Istikhara Prayer Step-by-Step
The istikhara prayer has a specific method that should be followed to perform it correctly. Here are the key steps:
Step 1: Perform Ablution (Wudu)
- Perform wudu according to the Sunnah prior to praying istikhara.
- Being in a state of ritual purity allows one’s supplication to be more readily accepted.
Step 2: Offer Two Rak’ahs of Prayer
- Offer two rak’ahs of prayer with the intention of performing istikhara.
- Recite any surahs after Surah Fatiha.
- Ensure your salah meets all requirements for a valid prayer.
Step 3: Supplicate After the Salah
- After completing the two rak’ahs, supplicate using the istikhara dua.
- Raise your hands and facing the qibla, recite the specific istikhara supplication.
- This dua can be recited in Arabic or one’s native language. Contemplate the meaning as you recite.
Step 4: Sleep on It
- After making the supplication, proceed with your evening normally and go to sleep.
- Be sure to sleep in a state of wudu. It is recommended to sleep on your right side.
- Many scholars stress the importance of sleeping after performing istikhara before making a final decision.
Step 5: Notice the Signs
- When you wake up, reflect deeply and notice any signs or inclinations in your heart.
- The guidance from Allah often becomes clearer after a night’s sleep.
- Pay close attention to how your thoughts flow, ideas emerge, and any gut feelings surface.
- If the matter becomes clearer, proceed accordingly. If still uncertain, repeat the prayer.
Time and Place to Pray Istikhara
Istikhara can be made at any clean place during the times of prayer. However, there are some sunnah to keep in mind:
Best Times to Pray Istikhara
- Late at night before going to sleep
- After the Fajr prayer
- Between the sunnah and fard of other prayers
Praying istikhara at these times, especially before sleeping, allows one to reflect after making the supplication.
Where to Pray
- A clean place in the home
- In the mosque, though not required
- Outdoors is permissible if the area is clean
Praying istikhara in a tranquil environment allows one to focus their thoughts solely on the supplication.
The Etiquette and Manners of Istikhara
There is a proper etiquette to keep in mind when performing the istikhara prayer:
Make a Firm Intention
- Make a definite intention and desire to perform istikhara specifically.
- Intend to follow whatever Allah guides you towards through the istikhara.
Have a Sense of Need for Allah’s Guidance
- Pray istikhara recognizing Allah alone knows what is best for you.
- Do not assume you already know the right path, rather plead to Allah to guide your heart.
Avoid Relying on Personal Desires
- When confused about a decision, do not simply follow your nafs. Base your decision on Allah’s guidance instead.
Don’t Be Impatient
- Be patient after praying istikhara and don’t expect an immediate answer.
- Wait for greater clarity and let events unfold naturally by Allah’s wisdom.
Follow the Guidance You Receive
- After praying, do your best to follow the inclination you feel in your heart, trusting it is from Allah.
- Avoid ignoring or acting against any guidance that becomes clear.
The Supplication and Dua for Istikhara
Here is the full Arabic dua for praying istikhara followed by the English transliteration:
Arabic Istikhara Dua
اَللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْتَخِيرُكَ بِعِلْمِكَ وَأَسْتَقْدِرُكَ بِقُدْرَتِكَ وَأَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ الْعَظِيمِ فَإِنَّكَ تَقْدِرُ وَلاَ أَقْدِرُ وَتَعْلَمُ وَلاَ أَعْلَمُ وَأَنْتَ عَلاَّمُ الْغُيُوبِ اللَّهُمَّ إِنْ كُنتَ تَعْلَمُ أَنَّ هَذَا الأَمْرَ – خَيْرٌ لِي فِي دِينِي وَمَعَاشِي وَعَاقِبَةِ أَمْرِي فَاقْدُرْهُ لِي وَيَسِّرْهُ لِي ثُمَّ بَارِكْ لِي فِيهِ وَإِنْ كُنتَ تَعْلَمُ أَنَّ هَذَا الأَمْرَ شَرٌّ لِي فِي دِينِي وَمَعَاشِي وَعَاقِبَةِ أَمْرِي فَاصْرِفْهُ عَنِّي وَاصْرِفْنِي عَنْهُ وَاقْدُرْ لِيَ الْخَيْرَ حَيْثُ كَانَ ثُمَّ أَرْضِنِي بِهِ
English Transliteration
Allaahumma innee astakheeruka bi’ilmika wa astaqdiruka biqudratika wa as’aluka min fadlikal-‘azeem. Fa’innaka taqdiru walaa aqdiru wa ta’lamu walaa a’lamu wa anta ‘allaamul ghuyoob. Allaahumma in kunta ta’lamu anna haathal amra [here you state the matter] khayrun lee fee deenee wa ma’aashee wa ‘aaqibati amree faqdurhu lee wayassirhu lee thumma baarik lee feehi wa in kunta ta’lamu anna [state the matter] sharrun lee fee deenee wa ma’aashee wa ‘aaqibati amree fasrifhu ‘annee wasrifni ‘anhu waqdur lee al khayra haythu kaana thumma ardinee bihi
This dua can be recited in one’s native language while keeping the overall meaning intact. The key is to sincerely plead to Allah alone for guidance.
Analyzing Dreams and Thoughts After Istikhara
After praying istikhara, any dreams or thoughts one experiences may offer guidance from Allah. Here are tips for properly analyzing them:
- Pay close attention to any dreams that occur after praying istikhara and upon waking.
- Dreams from Allah will leave a strong impression and vivid details will be readily recalled.
- Istikhara dreams often clearly indicate whether a matter is good or bad for the person.
- If the dream is unclear, repeat the istikhara prayer before finalizing a decision.
Thoughts and Inclinations
- Notice any gut feelings or preferences that become stronger after istikhara.
- Give importance to any ideas that flow naturally into one’s mind upon reflection.
- Thoughts aligned with the Quran and Sunnah principles are a good sign.
- Avoid overthinking; go with what your heart feels at ease with.
With practice, istikhara results become easier to recognize. If still unsure, continue praying istikhara until the guidance is clear.
The Role of Qiratul Quran Institute
The Qiratul Quran Institute is dedicated to teaching proper recitation and understanding of the Quran according to the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The institute emphasizes learning skills that allow one to get closer to Allah, including salah, dua, and istikhara.
Some key ways the institute guides students in istikhara:
- Explaining the meaning and importance of istikhara in Islam
- Teaching the exact method and etiquette of performing the istikhara prayer
- Providing the Arabic supplication and English transliteration
- Demonstrating how to analyze dreams and thoughts after istikhara
- Encouraging istikhara’s regular practice for major life decisions
The Qiratul Quran Institute helps produce students well-grounded in using istikhara and other forms of worship for Allah’s guidance.
Istikhara is a powerful tool Muslims can use to make optimal decisions that please Allah. By sincerely performing this prayer and analyzing the results, guidance will emerge that brings one closer to their purpose. With proper knowledge and practice, anyone can harness the benefits of istikhara in their lives by seeking counsel from the All-Knowing.