Enrollment and Payments:

  • When you choose to enroll in Regular classes, you need to pay the month-to-month expense Before time if you want to continue the classes.
  • Regularly scheduled Payment will be payable on the due date of every month from the date you get enlisted with QiratulQuran.
  • Assuming you have any issues about the late charges or any worries about expenses or installments then, at that point, if it’s not too much trouble, contact the administrator straight away so that with a valid reason we will negotiate.
  • QiratulQuran maintains whatever authority is needed to stop the classes assuming the installment is overdue for over 3 days with next to no notification or excuse. In this condition Please check out Our further policies Below.

Q: Can I Upgrade OR Downgrade my Study Plan at a Later Date and time?

Indeed, you can do that. Additionally, the student can add additional hours to the current review plan whenever ( it’s mandatory). However, you need to pay for the additional classes ( For example, assuming that you preferred the 10 hours bundle, you have 3 additional days till the finish of the month, you can take additional classes and pay for them )

Leave or Absence from Lessons:

  • On the off chance that you must inform your instructor or organizer 3 hours before the class about your Leave/absence, In this way, you can reschedule the class but if you don’t inform us so after the class time no reason will be accepted to make the class for reschedule.
  • QiratulQuran instructors can give the minimum 1 makeup class in a month with valid reasons. If Students go on holiday for several days and give us earlier notice so we can’t provide makeup classes, these classes will be missed and considered absent and students can’t claim to reschedule them.
  • Assuming that you don’t attend and stay missing from your class with no notification, your class will be set apart as missing and there will be no make-available (besides in the event of a crisis).
  • Your class timing can be changed on your request day in and day out whenever the timing is ideal but in this way, your teacher can be changed and you can’t argue with us otherwise your time can’t be changed.
  • QiratulQuran holds the option to suspend the classes if any student stays missing from classes for over 4 days with practically no earlier notification. Demand for discounts will likewise not be engaged in such cases. And if the student is paying less fee or has a concession payment it might be stopped.
  • There is no discount for missed classes, notwithstanding, the student can take make-up classes for missed classes, assuming he has sent an earlier notification to the instructor, but if the student missed their classes in this way Our instructor will never give you makeup classes.
  • Assuming the Student comes 5 minutes late or 10 minutes late or all the more later then the instructor isn’t capable of providing you with the extra time of your class time because internet-based classes work clockwise and we can not ask the students who are close to sitting tight for their classes because the other student will be late.


  • We care about the security of our clients. You are likewise advised not to share your contact data like telephone number, Email address, Social Media record Visa data, and so on with any teacher. QiratulQuran will be not responsible if there should arise an occurrence of abuse.
  • Instructors are likewise not permitted to request or share their contact number, email address, or Social Media accounts with students or guardians, assuming anybody does as such, if it’s not too much trouble, inform us directly.
  • Kindly don’t talk about installment game plans, expense charges, or anything extra with the teachers. In these cases, contact the Admin through call, Admin Skype, Email, or WhatsApp.
  • To prescribe your companions or anybody to enlist with us, generous, kindly inform the administrator straightforwardly, and not the instructor.

Considering the Institute as it were:

Not permitted to study with your educator outside of the Academy. (Just in the Institute)

Teachers punctuality:

  • In uncommon conditions, an educator may miss a class (e.g., because of an electric blackout, or a health-related crisis), in such cases, assuming an instructor is late for the class, the understudy should contact the instructor and inform her/him that they are on the web. The educator will compensate for any missed time or class.
  • In the meantime, if the educator is regularly late or misses classes, generously email [email protected] or text the Live Chat symbol at the earliest opportunity.
  • Please note that the teacher will inform you of the cancellation of any extra classes which will be more than the number of classes required in your suitable study plan.

Note: You Must pay for Extra classes if you want to join weekend classes in this way weekend classes fee can’t be less. (The reason because we have many classes that are scheduled for the weekend and we pay these charges to our teachers’ salary as a bonus because they are taking classes in the holidays.

Students Duty Before Joining Our Institute

This is the duty of every student to check out our terms & conditions before applying. If a student Enrolls and does not check our terms and conditions page then we will not send our terms & conditions to you and in this case, will not be responsible if you forget to check. And students don’t have a right to go against our terms & conditions in any case. So, Kindly Follow that.


Instructors record all Class times + Classes Summary Reports once they finish each class. Students and guardians will get a month-to-month progress report. This will give them the chance to have guardians survey the advancement of their kids.

Rating and feedback:

Our Quality department will email you after a few lessons to ask for your feedback. Please let them know if you have any concerns, inquiries, or complaints. Your feedback helps us to improve our service. We highly appreciate it.

Privacy policy:

QiratulQuran keeps the privacy of both students and teachers. All personal information is considered secret information that no one has the right to know, copy, or use in any way.

Fee Policy:

  • After taking the trial class student must clear the invoice to join the daily session.
  • Qiratul Quran has a right to update & increase our fee system according to payment gateway taxes & bank charges so students don’t have a right to go against Bank Taxes Policies & should accept these terms and conditions before joining Qiratul Quran Institute.
  • If the Student Pay the Fees after the invoice has expired so, in this case, we will charge a late fee extra charges like 5$ Per Day. And in this case, we never accept negotiation. So kindly Pay your invoice on time.
  • If a Student goes on holiday for several days and he paid the fee for these days, in that case, the fee will not be adjusted and classes will not be rescheduled & these classes will be considered absent.
  • If the student goes on holiday and doesn’t clear the invoice for that month the classes will be terminated till clear that month’s invoice and the student doesn’t have a right to say he didn’t take this month’s classes so why do I pay for this month so at this point student will be permanently terminated from the institute and we never accept the admission again.
  • Once you Enroll in the institute it is the student’s responsibility to take classes and in the holidays condition fee must be paid by the students otherwise we will take further action to terminate the student from the Institute.
  • Students don’t have a right of dispute once the payment is already charged because if we sent you the invoice and you want to leave it means you didn’t tell us an earlier notice that you want to stop the classes. Therefore, if you want to stop the classes kindly give us one week earlier notice then we will not send you the invoice. And if you don’t give us earlier notice then you have to pay the new month’s fee. In this case, we have a right to charge you that fee and you can’t dispute these charges.
  • We charge admission fees from some students when a student joins and it would be the same fee for the course that the student has registered with. In this case, the student will pay the class fee at the end of the month or the institute joining date. Kindly note that we won’t charge the admission fee for the student chosen by the institute and we will let them know which one of the students we will not charge the admission fee.

Note: There are thousands of students come in our institute and most of them voilated our Fee policy but when we terminate the student because of Fee policy voilation we never accept the admission again so kindly follow our all policies specially Fee policy.

Leaving our institute:

If the student decides to leave our institute for any reason, we kindly request that they email [email protected] or text the Live Chat icon. One week earlier than the date of leaving and mention the reason behind that. if the student doesn’t let us know before one week so the student must pay that month’s Fee in which the student is leaving the institute. Otherwise, we will never pay your teacher fee and you are responsible in this case, if you are not paying your teacher fee, so we will leave this matter to Allah and you will pay that Fee on the day of judgment.

QiratulQuran might amend its Terms of Services & Conditions from time to time to ensure the best education and services to our students and their parents.