5 Essential Duas Every Muslim Should Memorize Duas, or supplications to Allah, play a central role in the life of a practicing Muslim. Turning to Allah through dua provides comfort, instills hope, and reconnects us to our Creator. There are countless duas found in the Quran and hadith, but a few key ones stand out as must-know supplications that every Muslim should have committed to memory. These essential two cover several critical facets of life. Here are 5 Essential Duas:

1- Dua for Guidance
The first of the essential duas that Muslims should know by heart is the dua for guidance. Known as Nabi Ibrahim’s dua for seeking righteous direction, this verse from Surat Al-Kahf presents a model template for asking Allah to show us the straight path:
Verse from Surat Al-Kahf
“Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance.” (Quran, 18:10)
Calling directly on Allah as “Our Lord,” this concise yet meaningful dua pleas for both mercy and guidance. Its simplicity allows it to be applicable in a wide range of contexts when we need to ask Allah to lay out the straight path before us and give us the wisdom to recognize it. Memorizing this verse will provide a Quranic reference that can be invoked any time guidance is sought.
2- Pre-Sleep Dua
Before retiring for the evening, Muslims around the world turn to a special dua known as the pre-sleep supplication. Part of an extensive dua taught by Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, the most widely recited portion consists of the following line that asks for Allah’s protection throughout the night:
Pre-Sleep Dua from Hadith
“Allaahumma bika asbahnaa, wa bika amsaynaa, wa bika nahya. Allaahumma inni as’aluka al-ʿāfiyata” (O Allah, by Your leave we have reached the evening and by Your leave we have reached the morning; and by Your leave we live and die. O Allah, I ask You for safety).
Memorizing this simple yet profound dua provides protective reassurance before going to sleep each night. The dua invokes Allah’s supreme power over life and death and directly calls on Him for security while unconscious and defenseless.
3- Post-Prayer Dua
After each obligatory prayer, Muslims repeat a specific dua known as the Tasbih Fatimah. Passed down from Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم on the authority of his beloved daughter Sayyida Fatima, this dua extensively praises and glorifies Allah using a set pattern of exaltations:
Tasbih Fatimah
“Subḥān Allāhi, wal-ḥamdu lillāhi, wa lā ilāha illAllāhu, wallāhu akbar” (Glory be to Allah, praise be to Allah, there is no God but Allah, and Allah is most great).
Consisting of just a single line invoking Allah’s supremacy, greatness, oneness, and praiseworthiness, the poetic eloquence of Tasbih Fatimah allows deep reflection on the majesty of Allah. As one of the most frequently repeated dupes in a devout Muslim’s spiritual repertoire, it merits high priority for memorization.
4- Pre-Eating Dua
Before partaking of any meal, Muslims initiate the experience with a special dua referred to as the pre-eating supplication. This dua comes to us from a hadith where Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم educated us to say:
Pre-Eating Dua from Hadith
“Allahumma barik lana fima razaqtana, wqina ‘adhaba an-nar” (O Allah, bless what You have provided us and protected us from the punishment of the hellfire).
Spoken before the first bite, this short two licenses the food to be lawfully consumed while recognizing it as sustainability bestowed by Allah’s grace. It concludes by seeking security from the hellfire, keeping the broader spiritual ramifications of nourishing our bodies ever-present. Memorizing this dua will ensure the expression of gratitude before every meal.
5- General Purpose Dua
Lastly, Muslims should have a ready recall of a general dua for expressing comprehensive praise and supplication to Allah applicable to a wide range of situations. Known as Du’a al-Jawshan al-Kabeer, it opens with the following verse offering absolute glorification of Allah’s greatness:
Selection from Du’a al-Jawshan al-Kabeer
“Subḥānal-malikil-quddūsi rabbil-malā’ikati war-rūḥ” (Glory be to the King, the Holy One, the Lord of the Angels and the Spirit).
The majestic beauty of this verse glorifying Allah as the Lord of all Creation gives it versatility as a multi-purpose dua suitable for praising Allah in reverence, prostrating before Him in humility, and exalting His name in remembrance. Like a devotional anchor, memorizing the verse will provide a steadying ballast to one’s spirituality.
From seeking guidance to securing protection, and praising Allah to invoking sustenance, these five essential two form a canon that every Muslim should have etched into memory. Their memorization will amplify spirituality, intensify supplication , embolden conviction, and magnify gratitude. Most importantly, they will connect believers to Allah through elegant, Divinely inspired words perfected in their power and promise. Each new day lived with these two carried in our hearts is a life more richly blessed.
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